25 January 2009

Mystery Quilts

If you are new to mystery quilts you are in for some fun! The idea of a mystery quilt is that you do not know what the final quilt will look like. The patterns are provided one step at a time. You only see a little bit, unless you just cannot help yourself and you skip ahead, but that takes the fun out of it.

Many of the following quilts can be completed in one day, so they make great rainy afternoon projects or something different for a quilting retreat. Have fun, and I’d love to see photos of any that you complete.

Scrappy Mystery Quilts
Here are some mystery quilts that use scrap fabric or fat quarters. This is a great why to get rid of those bits and pieces that you just couldn’t throw away (and a great why to make room for more fabric).

Summery Mystery Quilts
I don’t know about you, but I am sick of winter. This time of year in Northeast Ohio can really wear on a person, so why not brighten up your days with a nice summery quilt?

Miscellaneous Mystery Quilts
Here’s some other mystery quilts that just sound fun.