I finished my Square Foot Garden. It was quite easy, though a bit expensive. Since this is my first one, I had to purchase not only seeds and plants, but also the wood and soil. It was fun building and planting it. As the season goes, I'll let you know how it works out. I planted beans, peas, four kinds of peppers, leaf lettuce, spinach, carrots, radishes, and onions. You can get more information about Square Foot Gardens from the book or from the web site
Square Foot Garden.
I'm not much of a baker, but I can appreciate a good cake. I came across this blog that lists
26 Cakes Perfect for Geeks. There are Yoda cakes, Mario Brother's Cakes, Kindle and cakes with glasses. There is a cake to satisfy the geek in each of us.
Lastly, the creator of the cute R2 D2 anigurumi I posted about has finally released the instructions. You can find them on