17 May 2009

Dear Jane Additions

I have not been completely inactive these past weeks since my last post. I have completed a few more Dear Jane blocks, but I have spent most of my time reading All New Square Foot Gardening. I am learning how to plant a garden using 80% less space with perfect soil. I have finished the book and intend to start building my new garden this afternoon. I will post pictures when I am done and let you know how it went.

Here are the Dear Jane blocks that I have finished.

C-2 Streak of Lightning

C-3 Rayelle’s Fence

C-4 Tic Tac Toe

C-5 Eye of the Cyclone

C-6 Ashley’s Aura

Oh, I also expect to soon receive my signature blocks from the Dear Jane swap. I'll be sure to post pics of those. too.