11 April 2010

Radcom Art Show

I have a really good excuse this time for not posting in ages. I have been preparing for my first ever art show. It is through my employer who is doing it as a fund raiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. All money that I make that day will be donated to the cause. I have a few more pieces to finish and frame. Here is some of what I will be selling:
Join me at the show, if you can. There are several other artists with everything from photography, to blown glass, to jewelry. Here are the details.

Saturday, April 17th, 2010
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
561 Boston Mills Rd. Suite 400
Hudson, OH 44236

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You can also get more information or sign up as an artist at: http://www.radcomservices.com/art-show. Hope to see you there!